Pilates Education
Open to all Certified
Pilates Instructors!
August 4, 2019
9:00am - 5:00pm
Come join us for a day of
discovery and awakening!
This one day seminar will be packed with amazing 'jewels' to enrich your understanding of the pure
teaching of Pilates.
Expand your teaching mind while working your own body!
*"Romana's Echo"
presented by Carol Dodge Baker and Vandy Lipman
"Romana’s Echo"
Romana’s words linger in our minds every time we teach. Yes, she was about precision, but the flow allowed you to further the work. The transitions became an important part because they required your body to work deeper and your mind to concentrate fully on the task at hand. That did not mean fast, but each exercise held a different rhythm, like a dance. The breath, although not always emphasized, is allowed to increase the deepening of the movement. The movements were dynamic and challenging by nature. From the untrained eye, the exercises look easy, then Romana would laugh and say ‘Here you give it a try!’ She brought many strong people to their knees!
In this workshop, Vandy Lipman and Carol Dodge Baker will take you through a rigorous workout on the Reformer and Wunda Chair using these principles. Come along on a journey of how Romana taught students and teachers alike, echoing her words and hands on approach. This will inspire and invigorate your teaching!
*The Lost Art of the Ped-o-Pul
with Elaine Ewing
In this workshop we will practice and learn Joseph Pilates’ original exercises and sequences on archival reproductions of The Ped-o-Pul. We will study and practice Joe’s written descriptions for each exercise, photos or drawings of Joe demonstrating each exercise, the order he intended, breathing, a specific count, and his written descriptions about the apparatus itself.
Archival Ped-o-Puls will be available for purchase at a 10% discount through Pilates Designs. Anyone interesting in owning one, please contact Pilates Designs. Attending this workshop with Elaine Ewing or watching the tutorial video on Pilatesology (not yet released) is a pre-requisite to purchase an Archival Ped-o-Pul. For more about Elaine,
*The Pilates Developmental Sequence
with Sean Gallagher
This is one of Sean Gallagher’s signature workshops that will deepen your appreciation for the order of exercises and expand your view on how pilates works.
Joe Pilates states numerous times in his writings that he looked at people and animals to help develop his method of body conditioning. In the 1940’s and 1950’s the physical therapy profession started to do the same process of looking at how humans learn to move in an effort to develop methods to facilitate and help those who were injured, had delayed development as infants or had a stroke or other neurological impairment. The developmental sequence was analyzed and integrated into certain therapy protocols especially for working with infants.
In this workshop we will:
• Explore what the developmental sequence is.
• Gain an understanding of why it should be in any exercise regime.
• See how Joseph Pilates was 50 years ahead of his time by including this process into his method of exercise.
• Develop an appreciation of how Pilates instructors can use the authentic method to help their clients reach the most functional levels available to them.
• You will learn how to understand and see how global movement patterns may be deficient in certain developmental processes and how to use the system to help your client retrain and relearn how to move in an integrated whole.
For more about Sean
Call today for more information:
914 276 2056
Pre-register and pay here.
(No refunds after payment is received.)